Sunday, 20 January 2013

Attack of the Wisdom Teeth, Snow…and laziness

So last week I said I would start the lean gains program properly. Well “stuff” got in the way and I didn’t do it full…*rolls eyes*

A very bad week for training…snow!!! I’m not good on ice. Yes I got to the gym but put in a poor effort due to being knackered…

Wisdom teeth…not one…not two…but all four at once!!! All growing in odd and funny ways.  I’ve either spent most of the week complaining about them or sleeping.

And then there is the general laziness…i.e. I couldn’t be bothered to commit to the program properly due to all of the above – even personal trainers get a bit lazy sometimes. So what did I do? Had a few cheat days and the program has started today, officially! No cheating and no excuses!!

Will keep you updated with progress and some of the food I shall be chowing down on in my quest for a beautiful holiday body!

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