Monday, 21 January 2013

How I got rid of my abs...the picture evidence!

Sometimes the best way to face up to something, i.e. poor eating (and drinking) habits, is to look back over the picture evidence (if you're one of those people like myself that loves to take pictures of their food - and drink). Often over the past year I've said to myself "I'm a marathon runner training for an ultra, why am I putting on weight???"

Well here is the evidence in pictures!!! (And this is just what hasn't been deleted over time).

First there was a bit too much of the delicious savoury stuff.....

(mmmmmm it all looks very lovely, but I have a feeling some of these contributed to the couple of inches on each thigh...)

Then there was the sweet stuff...

(it's true what they say a moment on the lips...a lifetime on the hips)

And then there was the booze...

(officially caught in the act!!!)

Onwards and upwards with a bit of intermittent fasting!

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